Our Charity Page

At Purple Badger Camping & Fishing Lakes we are raising funds to enable us to install an onsite defibrillator for all our visitors.
To help us make saving lives possible we need to raise £1600.
This is to benefit all our visitors and guests locally and from afar, whether fishing, camping, glamping or simply dropping in to have a drink and something to eat .
So why have a defibrillator?
In simple terms it will increase the chances of survival of anyone at or near Purple Badger who suffers a cardiac arrest. For every minute a patient suffering a cardiac arrest goes without defibrillation, their chances of survival decrease by 10%.
Currently, throughout the UK, the survival rate (to returning home) for an out of hospital cardiac arrest is only at 8 – 10%. In contrast in Sweden, parts of the United States and elsewhere where Defibs are widely available, access to immediate CPR and early defibrillation can increase that survival rate to in excess of 50%.
To support us with our fundraising we are working in association with the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust www.jhmt.org